Here you will find all the current Noongar Language projects and programs that are happening. If you know of any and you would like to have them listed here, please contact us via the contact page.
Nyungar Boodjera Wangkiny = Nyungar Land is Speaking: Place Nomenclature of the Southwest of Western Australia
This project is presented by Len Collard in association with the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute and the School of Indigenous Studies (SIS) at the University of Western Australia.
The project identifies Nyungar placenames and meanings prior to colonial settlement and makes available a number of resources for public educational use.
This project is the result of consultation with various state authorities and community groups and recognises:
a. the need for non-Aboriginal people to learn more about the contribution made to history by Australia’s Indigenous peoples within the South-West of Western Australia;
b. the importance of Western Australia’s Indigenous peoples to identify, record and write their own histories of people and Country.
Visit the website here
The Wirlomin Noongar Language and Stories Project Incorporated is an association with the following aims:
to reclaim Wirlomin stories and dialect, in support of the maintenance of Noongar language, and to share them with Noongar families and communities as part of a process to claim, control and enhance Wirlomin Noongar cultural heritage;
to return and consolidate Aboriginal culture in its rightful community, create an awareness of its importance and the potential for an appropriate sharing of a Noongar cultural heritage with the wider community;
to promote Noongar arts and culture through language, storytelling, illustration, music, song and dance to the Noongar community in Perth, Albany and other selected regional centres;
Visit the website here
Noongar Boodjar Waangkiny Language Centre (NBWLC) was established in 2014 after undertaking a ten-year language project partnership with Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education. Noongar Boodjar Waangkiny (Noongar Country Talking) was previously known as Dandjoo Moordiyap Dabakarn – Noongar Endangered Language Project.
Noongar language is a language in rapid recovery, with revival activities undertaken in many places across the vast Noongar landscape. Noongar Boodjar Waangkiny Language Centre aims to support language revival and work with all generations to make our language strong again.
Visit the website here